Creative Wanderlust Story: Poolside Gossip – Flash Fiction Inspired by Slim Aarons’s Iconic 1970s Photograph
I wore yellow because Jane hates the color. That’s just the kind of mood I’m in today. Shitty. Carl has once again left me here in Palm Springs to “cool my jets” as he hops off to Positano or Portofino or somewhere panoramic pawning his next screenplay. Another story of a horny middle aged man’s disenchantment with married life leading him to find solace in the arms of a hooker. And, yes, Dawn is en route with him. She’s no doubt packed her satin disco dress and hot pants, clueless to fashion rules in coast side Italy. She’ll be doing her own type of pawning, or pawing playing the leading lady role…
Creative Wanderlust Prompt: Watercolor a Palm Springs Sunset
Follow along with this process video and learn how to watercolor a Palm Springs inspired sunset with palm trees in silhouette. Here is the final work! For more details about this Creative Wanderlust Prompt and more, see: Add Creativity to Your Everyday and Creative Wanderlust Prompts: Palm Springs
Creative Wanderlust Prompt: Draw and Watercolor Mid Century Modern Motifs and Images Inspired by Palm Springs
Follow along with this video and learn how to draw and watercolor playful mid-century modern motifs and icons images inspired by Palm Spring, California! Below is the final drawing in my sketch book. For more details about this Creative Wanderlust Prompt and more, see: Add Creativity to Your Everyday and Creative Wanderlust Prompts: Palm Springs
How to Add Creativity to Your Life Everyday
Do you know of the numerous health and happiness benefits adding creativity to your life can bring? Not only does it improve our mood (hello, happiness!) but can also improve brain function and our mental & physical health! I know, I know, I hear what you are thinking… “but I’m not creative at ALL.” (i.e., “I can’t draw…” “I am NOT artsy…” or the ever popular “I have no time for creativity.”) When I say adding creativity to your life, I think of it as a much larger concept than dabbling with watercolors, or drawing a realistic rendering. Although I love watercoloring and admire those who draw with photo perfection,…
Creative Wanderlust Prompt: Palm Springs
It’s time for a little Southern California, mid-century modern, wanderlust adventure this week with our Creative Wanderlust Prompt: Palm Springs! Palm Springs is a desert resort area in California’s Colorado Desert, a 7 million acre area of land that is part of the Sonoran Desert. The landscape is arid and brown like many deserts, yet unique as it is surrounded on three sides by towering mountain ranges: Little San Bernardino Mountains to the north, the Santa Rosa Mountains on the south, and the San Jacinto Mountains to the west. San Jacinto Peak rises 3,302 m or 10,834 ft and is often covered in snow in the winter. Palm Springs is also…
Creative Wanderlust Prompt: Collage a Globe
Learn how to create a creative collage of a globe by following along with this process video. Use the quote in this video or write your own quote how you feel about the world! For more details about this Creative Wanderlust Prompt and more, see: Add Creativity to Your Everyday and Creative Wanderlust Prompt: Globe
Creative Wanderlust Prompt: Paint Some Colorful Globes
Follow along below to learn how to paint some impressionistic, watercolor globes. Use any colors you’d like- be experimental. Make the world as colorful as you’d like! For more details about this Creative Wanderlust Prompt and more, see: Add Creativity to Your Everyday and Creative Wanderlust Prompt: Globe
Creative Wanderlust Prompt: Globe
Hello to all my creative friends, let’s make this year our most creative ever! Like I introduced in a previous blog post, I am excited to add creativity to your everyday by providing a weekly prompt list that allows you to explore a wanderlust topic through multiple creative methods- drawing, photography, painting, writing, collaging and actual adventure! For this week the prompt is: Globe! This seemed like a natural choice to kick off our creative wanderlust habit! So, pull out your pencils, pens, paints, journal, old magazines and more and let’s get creative! Examples from this Creative Wanderlust Prompt Monday – Draw a real or imaginative globe. Tuesday: Take a picture…
Creative Wanderlust Story: Spin the Globe
In every elementary class room I spent time in growing up there was always a globe. I remember them as being pretty large. Some were on floor stands that came to up to our chests, others were table top versions. Regardless of size, they were typically tucked in the corner of the room, never holding a place of prominence, yet always present. Strangely, I never once remember a teacher using one of these globes to teach. We used maps here and there — the world map that she would pull down over the chalkboard or the United States map in our text book, but never did she refer to the…
Creative Wanderlust Prompts: Add Creativity to Your Everyday
I’ve been wanting to provide inspiration through creative prompts for a long while now – for not only myself, but also the creative, wanderlust fueled community around me! I am always inspired by artsy prompts, writing prompts, 100 day projects, etc., but haven’t found a prompt list to satisfy my endless curiosity for exploring not only the world (hello, wanderlust!) but also varied creative mediums! So, in my desire to try new things and strengthen our creative community, I thought it would be fun to publish a weekly Creative Wanderlust Prompt list. Each list will provide inspiration for people like you and me to explore a wanderlust topic through multiple creative…