Creative Wanderlust Community Open House – July 2022 Recap: Bastille Day Collage
As always I loved gathering with friends this past month for a little Creative Wanderlust Community Open House. The theme for July was Bastille Day, as it was the 14th of July, so we collaged together in the spirit of Matisse’s wonderful cutout style and any French theme we wanted. I absolutely love the simplicity of Matisse’s cutout pieces, yet how entertaining, playful and vibrant they all are. I look forward to hosting one more in person Open House in August before I head off to France. Once abroad I will continue to host them online. Mark Your Calendar – Last (in Person) Creative Open House before ParisAugust 18, 2022…
What Summertime Means to Me
Creative Photo Prompt: Create a photo collage of what summer means to you…. Water, beach, strong shadows, the sound you hear in the distance of fun at an amusement park, long sun burnt days and warm nights. I took these photos in Santa Monica, CA when I was there last year. They truly say summer to me. What about you?
Creative Wanderlust Prompt: Summer Kick Off!
I’m here to say that it is officially the unofficial start of summer! Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always considered early June to be summer, as it is typically when school ends and summer break begins. Those first few days of summer break are always the best- no need for an alarm, no structure to the day and no care in the world. To celebrate season, here are some fun creative prompts to get you ready for those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer ahead! Join me over at @creativewanderlustcommunity to follow along this summer with these prompts and more to learn how to add art and creativity to…
Creative Wanderlust Prompt: Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon is the epitome of creativity! In celebration of my new book, Wanderlust Portland, let’s dive into some fun PDX inspired creative prompts!!! From bridges to roses, there is no shortage of artsy adventures. I can’t wait to share with you loads of details about PDX (in my book) as well as inspire you with ideas on how to explore this city creatively. So, let’s get exploring with some creative prompts below! Daily Creative Wanderlust Prompts: Portland Monday – Celebrate the bridges of Portland and draw one near you, or draw an imaginary one! Tuesday – Portlanders love their bikes. Photograph bikes around your town and make a photo collage with your…
Creative Wanderlust Prompt: Mexico
I am lucky to live in California where I have the advantage of my state bordering the beautiful country of Mexico providing me the ability to explore it relatively easily. I say relatively, because as most know, California is a big state where driving the length of it, from the California/Oregon border to the Mexico border can take almost 17 hours. This hasn’t deterred me from some pretty extravagant Mexico adventures, especially when I was younger – like driving to Mexico for a margarita! (Yes, that was 16 hours driving time round trip from San Francisco.) Crazy road trips aside, I have had the opportunity to visit some incredible locations…
Creative Wanderlust Prompt: Midtown Manhattan
Midtown Manhattan. It’s definitely one of my favorite places in all of New York City, and the area I frequently stay when I visit. When I lived in New York City many moons ago, I rarely went to midtown. I was a student (in graduate school) and midtown catered to the working world. I did go to Grand Central Station frequently as I’d take the train out to Connecticut to visit my sister, but in general, I roamed all the other neighborhoods for my NYC energy, not midtown. Fast forward to today, and I can’t get enough of midtown Manhattan. It fuels me with energy. I’m convinced it’s because of…
Creative Wanderlust Prompt: Doodle
The Art of Doodling I’m sure you’ve done it many times before. Scribbling in the margins of your paper in a boring meeting, or while listening to a long lecture. Many times are doodling is just simple mark making, some squiggly lines or a few shapes. Sometimes we doodle more representational items, a heart, a house, a tree, a rainbow. In general, when we doodle we don’t give much thought to the final outcome, let alone what we are actually drawing. Doodling is a passive creative act, a way for us to “space out,” yet did you know if has many benefits to our health and creativity? Studies have shown…
Creative Wanderlust Prompt: Amusement Park
With Spring Break in full force around the US and many folks hitting up amusement parks, I thought it would be fun to come up with some creative ways to explore an Amusement Park! In my Wanderlust Los Angeles book, I actually have a chapter on Amusement Parks, as they make up a big tourist aspect of LA as well as have a really interesting history. I’ll share more about that in future posts, but in the mean time, let’s get creative at an Amusement Park! Daily Creative Wanderlust Prompts: Amusement Park Monday – Draw a map of your dream amusement park. Tuesday – Use wild filters on photos from a trip to…
Creative Wanderlust Prompt: Spring
For many, especially those in colder and darker climates in the Northern Hemisphere, the arrival of spring is literally a breathe of fresh air! More light in the sky, birds chirping, blossoms blooming, and new life everywhere. For others, though, the passing of a new season may just seem like another week. This can sometimes be the case for me, as I live in a temperate climate, where the change of the season is not nearly as noticeable. Instead of letting the change of season pass me by, I’m going to celebrate spring time with a week of creative prompts. My goal is to be more mindful of the change…
Creative Wanderlust Prompt: GREEN
This week we will be inspired by the color GREEN! Yes, as simple as that. Picking a color is truly one of my favorite kinds of art prompts. It may seem too simple, but trust me, you can make it as complicated (or not) as you like! When my kids were young, I used a color prompt all the time when we were traveling. I’d ask them to pick a color that morning before we headed out to tour around. The instructions were basic, when they would see the color, they would snap a quick picture. It could be nature, scenery, an object, something someone was wearing, food, whatever they…