Art on the Go: Free Printable Paris Journal and Sketch Page

Summer is approaching fast and travel season will be kicking into high gear! My family is prepping for a long trip this summer and I can’t wait. Writing a travel journal and creating sketches are such great memories from a trip. Sometimes it can be overwhelming to write after a long day of sightseeing, or the thought of a large sketch book may seem cumbersome– well, I’ve got you covered.

I’m starting to create a line of free printable City Pages; sketch and journal pages for famous travel destinations. The designs will be in the spirit and style of that city. I had such fun creating the first in the series, Paris. I just love the vintage Paris feel! The journal page has a couple of fun facts and sights to see as well as provide prompts to speed up your writing process, but capture the uniqueness of the city.

The sketch page also has prompts for ideas on quick sketches– for the Paris version, the prompts are; Mes Impressions de Paris (my impressions of Paris), La Belle Cité (the pretty city), Un Petit Détail (a little detail), La Gastronomique (the food).
So, be sure to print out these pages to take along with your on your trip to Paris. I look forward to hearing about your journeys!
Free Printable City Pages: Paris Journal and Sketch Page
Below are my Paris printable Journal and Sketch pages. To use, just select the link below the image and print out from your browser. Use 8.5″x11″ white paper. You may want to select “Scale to Fit” in your printer dialog box to have it print the entire image on one page.

Printable items are copyright protected, and provided free of charge by Wanderlust Designer for personal use only. Wanderlust Designer’s printables can not be sold, altered, or provided for download on any other site. For questions or inquiries, please contact Questions at Wanderlust Designer.

I was wondering if you have any other cities pages. We are visiting China next year. Would love to get pages of Beijing and Shanghai Do you know of anywhere to get them
Hi Robin, Thank you so much for commenting!! Wow, your trip to China sounds amazing. I don’t have these cities yet, but have started to focus on creating travel journals (§ion_id=18523509), and will definitely put China in my queue! It would be a great addition.