Need a Creative Boost? Add Recess to Your Daily Schedule
I was just pontificated in a recent newsletter about wanting to slow down and not be “busy” all the time. Then, as life would have it, a crazy-busy week ensued. Ha! The irony. Life is a work in progress. Lately I see creative “shiny objects” everywhere that veer me off course yet give me so much energy in the process! Each day I am reminded my to do list will not get done and I’m getting better at being OK with that. But the big epiphany for me was although being busy for busyness sake is not good, I thrive when I jump from project to project, try out new techniques and learn…
Creative Wanderlust Prompts: Add Creativity to Your Everyday
I’ve been wanting to provide inspiration through creative prompts for a long while now – for not only myself, but also the creative, wanderlust fueled community around me! I am always inspired by artsy prompts, writing prompts, 100 day projects, etc., but haven’t found a prompt list to satisfy my endless curiosity for exploring not only the world (hello, wanderlust!) but also varied creative mediums! So, in my desire to try new things and strengthen our creative community, I thought it would be fun to publish a weekly Creative Wanderlust Prompt list. Each list will provide inspiration for people like you and me to explore a wanderlust topic through multiple creative…