Where in the World: No.3
Stretching nearly 80 miles long and cutting a great isle in two, we are still searching for the reason I was built some 2000 years ago, and need more clues. Did I keep barbarians out, or did I just show my vast Empire’s great clout? The answer is up to you. Where in the world is this? Note: Once someone has guessed the correct answer (here in a comment, or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram), I’ll post the answer in the comments below and add the correct location on the map. Good Luck!
Where in the World: No.2
Head towards the bottom of the world and you’ll see this magnificent site. Mountainous spires scrape the sky and lakes sparkle with a glacial light. Where in the world are you? Note: Once someone has guessed the correct answer (here in a comment, or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram), I’ll post the answer in the comments below and add the correct location on the map. Good Luck!
Where in the World: No.1
I’m starting up a new series of posts called Where in the World, and you guessed it– you need to tell me where the photo was taken. I’ll start easy for the first one… but trust me, I have some difficult ones up my sleeve! So, leave a comment with your answer, and let us know how well you know the world! Note: Once someone has guessed the correct answer (here in a comment, or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram), I’ll post the answer in the comments below and add the correct location on the map. Good Luck!