At Home Creative Adventures: Floral Bouquet
To brighten up your environment, create a floral bouquet just for you! This creative prompt will get you outside looking for blooms, and inside creating a masterpiece. An impressionistic style is the best approach to making a colorful bouquet worthy to prop by your desk!

Here are the blooms I found in my yard, inspiration for my bouquet. If you don’t have flowers in your yard, feel free to use mine as inspiration or head to the internet for more!

Below is the time-lapse of me creating my bouquet. Notice the looseness of the lines, and watercolor. Also, the varied size interpretation of each bloom. The pansy bloom is actually much smaller than the wisteria, but I used my own judgement on what size I wanted my flowers to be. My goals was not to create a perfect imitation, but a colorful impression.
Be sure to read the “More Creative Prompts” on the printable exercise to learn of ways to vary this exercise. And, as always, I’d love to see what you create! Feel free to tag me on @wanderlustdesigner on Instagram or Facebook or email me: with your creations!