Creative Prompt: Take a Seat at the Kids Table
It’s that time of year, the extended holiday time where we sit down as a family and share delicious food, stories, and gratitude…

Oh wait, before I go any further, time to edit the above… For many, many Thanksgivings and holidays, we didn’t always sit together at one big table as an extended family. We had a “kids’ table.” Even when I was a little girl, there was a kids’ table at Thanksgiving. Back then, it felt like being put in the penalty box, like this is where the misfits go, as they can’t conduct an adult conversation and/or just aren’t interesting enough.
Once I had kids of my own, I began to understand the notion of a kids’ table a little better. I think it was the incredible desire as a new parent to actually HAVE an adult conversation. I was tired of answering the unending toddler questions, or monitor intakes of good foods vs. bad foods. My guilt in shoving my little ones off to the corner table led me to provide unending creative activities they could enjoy while banished in exile. Playful quizzes, coloring pages, art ideas, pilgrim and indigenous peoples napkin rings, cootie catchers and so much more. (Yes, I ran a stationery and party business at the time!)
Fast forward to now, with my young adult kids, nieces and nephews, there’s no place I’d rather be than the kids’ table! Listening to late night adventures in their college towns, hearing about apartment life in a new city, learning about their escapades in the work force or grad school- it energizes me! But, honestly, I miss those dang crafts too!

Creative Prompt: Crayons at the Dinner Table
This week I set our family dinner table differently. Instead of our regular placemats, I replaced them with a big piece of drawing paper. Then, I added buckets of crayons. Yes, loads of them. Why are crayons only relegated to kids when at a restaurant or at the kids’ table?
My husband and son were quite bemused when they saw the new arrangement, and lo and behold, both engineers (well, one in the making) picked up their crayons during dinner and made some doodles. I will definitely report back at the end of the week at our dinnertime masterpieces. I expect there will be food stains in the mix, but that will only add to the creation.
Now it’s your turn. Pull out those crayons and a piece of paper and set them at your dinner table! I’d love to hear everyones reaction!
Be sure to share your stories with me – I can’t wait to see what you create and would love to highlight you in my newsletter!