On Location: Road Trips – American Road Trip Puzzle with True South Puzzles

American Road Trip Puzzle for True South Puzzle (Illustrated by Wanderlust Designer)
American Road Trip Puzzle for True South Puzzle (Illustrated by Wanderlust Designer)

I’m so happy to announce the release of my latest licensing project – an American Road Trip Puzzle! I had a wonderful time partnering with True South Puzzle Company of Nashville in creating this art work. Obviously, I love a good road trip, so an illustration of all the different sites one might find on a road trip across the US was just up my alley.

My Husband Sorting the Puzzle Pieces
My Husband Sorting the Puzzle Pieces

The puzzle arrived just in time for spring break and my husband and nephew were eager to give it a go! The both reported that building the border of the puzzle proved to be a good challenge and once they each started on the center, they had fun seeing all the many monuments and iconic US images come together.

Spring Break is Made for Putting Together a Puzzle!
Spring Break is Made for Putting Together a Puzzle!

With road trip season just around the corner, be sure to head over to True South Puzzle Company’s website and get your own version! Happy puzzle making!

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