Creativity Tip: Everything Has a Story
I saw this the other day on the sidewalk when I was on a walk… just a simple black rubber glove, tossed to the side. Instantly several stories and scenarios started running through my head about how this glove ended up here abandoned on the sidewalk! Of course, being the crime story junkie, I won’t lie, the stories were pretty troubling.
What about you? What do you think the story of this glove is?? Could you write a story about the glove?
Creative Wanderlust Prompt: Passport
It’s interesting to me how a document such as a passport can represent so much to me. It is not only a form of identification, but it also shares my nationality and home country to the world. It houses stamps of so many stories of adventure- travel triumphs, travel failures, the loved ones I’ve traveled with and all the people I’ve met along the way. For many it’s a badge of honor, providing others with proof of where you have been. For me, it’s less about the proof and more about the ability to be able to travel, explore this incredible world, meet new people, be exposed to new cultures…