Art on the Go: Art School: Line Basics – Blind Contour Drawings
A blind contour drawing is where you only look at the object you are drawing, and not at the paper you are drawing on. The purpose of this type of drawing is to have your brain focus solely on the object – to really look at it and see it for all it’s details. Obviously, since you are not looking at your paper, it doesn’t always translate like you expect, but sometimes these haphazard drawings can be quite fun. Blind contours also have the benefit of improving your eye hand coordination. It’s a simple art exercise that does not take much time, but can build your drawing skills and produce…
Culture: History – A Trip to Ellis Island, New York
It should be required that every American take a trip to Ellis Island. It is a historic site that truly embodies the spirit of this country. It is a place that gave hope to 12 million immigrants who passed through its walls between 1892-1954. Regardless of whether you or your ancestors came through here or the Port of Philadelphia, Port of Baltimore, Port of New Orleans, Angel Island or any number of other ports or entry points in America, the museum at Ellis Island captures the essence of how this country has been built. It illustrates how the hopes and dreams of generations of immigrants felt when they first laid eyes on the Statue of…