I’m Moving to Paris!!!

My entire adult life I’ve wanted to live abroad. In college I sadly dismissed the opportunity as I did not want to double major in a language (present me doesn’t quite understand that choice, but as they say, education is wasted on the youth!) Throughout married life my husband and I have chatted many times about living abroad here or there with our kids, yet the timing has never clicked. Now, over 30 years since college, I’m finally getting my semester abroad! No, not with a college or to study, but with my husband. Our nest is empty and we are ready to FLY!
Starting September 1st we will officially have an apartment in Paris, France and begin our 6 month abroad adventure as Parisians! Seriously, Paris!!! Yes, this is a dream come true. Of course I’ve heard the stories – it’s grey, it rains, people are not friendly, there is crime, it’s dirty, etc., etc. If you look at any location you can find negatives but I’m not that person. I am confident I will face challenges, but I am up for it all – the good, the bad, yet mostly the EXPERIENCE!
My husband and I are going into this adventure like it’s an appetizer, or hors d’oeuvre (if you will) to how we truly want to live our lives going forward – experiencing the world and living in different locations. We are not giving up our home base in the beautiful Bay Area, as we know San Francisco is an amazing spot in the world, but we are ready to live in new cultures, meet people from all over the world and push ourselves in NEW WAYS.
I can’t wait for all of you to JOIN ME on this adventure. In true Betsy style, my goals are to hit the streets of Paris creatively everyday – I want to stare at masterpieces in the Louvre and discover small wonders hidden in corners of my neighborhood. I want to embrace shopping on my local street for meals everyday, and sitting at the cafe people watching. I want to explore the same streets the masters (Matisse, Monet, Van Gogh, etc.) walked upon as well as take a dive deep into understanding the long history and culture of Paris. We of course have plenty of side trips we want to take. It’s clear we won’t have enough time, but again, seeing this as our diving board moment, it’s exciting to imagine what will come next.
I look forward to inspiring you to find these creative details in your own city or where ever you may roam. And, of course, if you happen to be in Paris this Fall and early Winter, please reach out! I’d love to see you in the City of Light!